Wednesday, November 11, 2015

New York Ranger Games

Rangers Games

 Going to Ranger games in one of my favorite past times to do.  As a kid, I grew up in a house where the Rangers were on a pedestal that no other team in any sport could even touch.  My father has been a ranger fan since 1960, and has passed that along to me.  I remember as a kid going to Ranger games with my father, and it being one of the single most interesting and fun thing to do as a 5 year old kid.  Now as an adult I go to ranger games quite often.  Once in a while I go with my father to games, but sometimes I go with his friends.  Sometimes I go to Ranger games by myself.  My love for the Rangers, and going to Ranger games is directly related to my father, and it is honestly one of my favorite things to do.


Past time


Passed that along

Once in a while
